Investigation and Services

Our radiobiological investigation and consultation covers more than 30 control points:
- Technical measurement of radio beams, electro pollution and radioactivity including measurement of all kinds of other technical devices, such as Smartphone/mobile phone, tablet, laptop, Wi-Fi etc.
- Examination of different earth rays: water vein, geological fault and all other geo-pathological influences
- Consultation for the reduction of interfering radiation
- Kinesiological testing for the necessary changes and finding the individualized frequency-adapted radiation neutralization Geo-Safe-E® to neutralize existing unavoidable residual radiation (electro pollution, radio, earth radiation)
- Once the measurements are completed an overview report of the approximately 30 control points can be provided to the treating therapist, if desired.
- Bio Safe: standardized protection against radiation fields for rooms and workplaces
- Office-Safe: electrosmog neutralization for office workplaces