„Knowledge has to flow to be able to grow“

Visit us in our seminar center. Here you can expand your knowledge and skills.
The rising technical environmental radiation
provides a future guarantee for the profession Geo-biologist.
You can train with us at regular intervals in Germany and abroad to become a
Geo-biologist with a German certificate
- Due to the complex relationships and the great responsibility we have towards our customers/patients, it is our duty to provide a diligent education.
- Upon conclusion of the program, you will receive a certificate as a Geo-biologist and, upon request, the license to work with the GEO-SAFE-E® system.
- After the training there is the possibility to participate in regular continuing education meetings and
- The opportunity to start networking with approximately 8,000 holistically practicing therapists worldwide (who already own a Geo-Safe-E® – the Biosafe) to co-ordinate radiation elimination in the patient’s body with the simultaneous neutralization of their environment for lasting success.
The education in Germany to become a Geo-construction biologist includes the following contents:
- Mental training
- Medical relationships between radiation and disease
- Working with the rod in theory and practice
- Electro pollution and wireless radiation, the basics
- Handling of measuring devices made easy
- Kinesiology in theory and practice
- Training on the GEO-SAFE-E® system
- Networking with doctors and naturopaths
Appointments and Registration
Education in German: Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Education in English: in all other countries, whose flags can be found on the page home
Training with interpreter: Turkey and China
NEW: Personal individual trainings in 3-4 days (by arrangement)
The training takes place in weekend blocks.
Or call us: +49 (0) 2471 / 921 421.
Office hours are usually from Mon to Fri from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
We update you about deviations using voice recordings.
The complete price for the training is € 970, – incl. VAT.
This price includes training fees, learning materials, drinks and snacks
(Meals not included).
Upon request, Geo-Safe-E® products can be purchased after the training at a wholesale discount for resale.
The training is INDEPENDENT of the purchase of any equipment!
We will gladly offer you a Geo-biological work case stocked with ALL the equipment necessary for an environmental examination.
In addition after the completed training you get the opportunity to acquire the Geo-Safe-E® products at a maximum discounted percentage to use professionally (part or full time).
Personal Special training
As inquiries about training as a geo-biologist arrived from all over the world, we offer a special intensive program for international prospects and full-time employees in German-speaking countries. Furthermore, there is the opportunity for already trained professionals in this field, to be trained exclusively in the Geo-Safe-E® system, without having to complete the full training.
Personal intensive individual training:
- 4-day intensive training in theory and practice including assisting at a patient-sleep-place examinations.
- Price:970, – € incl. VAT
(without measuring devices, work case or hosting) - Dates:by arrangement
GEO-SAFE-E® System Training for professionals in the field:
- One-day introductory seminar in the system of individual frequency-adapted radiation neutralization in theory and practice.
Condition to qualify is the mastery of kinesiology and dowsing – not according to the outdated knowledge of Dr. Hartmann and Dr. Curry, but in accordance with the current knowledge of the geomagnetic field as published by NASA and the Max Planck Institute. - Price:500, – € incl. VAT
(without measuring devices, work case or hosting) - Dates:by arrangement
- Bio Safe: standardized protection against radiation fields for rooms and workplaces
- Office-Safe: electrosmog neutralization for office workplaces